If you think your email account has been compromised, please follow these recovery steps:
Change the password on your email account and any account that shares this password.
Check your email filters and forwarding rules to ensure that no suspicious rules have been created that could be diverting your emails.
Make sure you verify your sent items. Attackers may have sent fraudulent emails to your contacts.
Change the Security Questions in the email recovery section of your email account.
If not already active, enable 2 Factor Authentication on your email account.
If not already active, enable 2 Factor Authentication on your EBO account.
Clean up your browser cookies and cache.
Ensure that your device's operating system is up to date - any outstanding
updates will install the latest security fixes.
Run anti-virus software on your device. Ideally, there should always be anti-virus software installed and up to date on your device.
Communicate this incident to your contacts.
What to Do If You Think You’ve Fallen Victim to Fraud
If you think you have fallen victim to fraud, email fraud@ebury.com and report it to your local law enforcement and/or fraud reporting agency.