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How do you store my personal information?
How do you store my personal information?
Marta Perez avatar
Written by Marta Perez
Updated over a week ago

The data that we collect may be stored and transferred outside of the UK this includes being processed by Ebury staff that are operating outside of the UK. Specifically, we may transfer your data to either the European Economic Area (EEA) or the USA.

All data that is transferred to another jurisdiction is protected under relevant data protection laws, supported by the use of Standard Contractual Clauses for transfers internal to Ebury.

All personal information will be afforded a high level of protection whether it is held by us or our contractual agents.

All information is stored by us under our control. All payment transactions will be encrypted. Any passwords given to you are your responsibility to keep safe. Please do not share your passwords with anyone.

Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. We will always do our best to protect your personal information. Strict procedures and security features will be used to try to prevent unauthorised access.

If you have concerns about data transmission, alternative methods can be provided.

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