After opening your account at Ebury, account signatories will have "Manage Permissions" permissions. This ensures that the appropriate person in your organisation has the capacity to ensure that the correct permissions and workflows are followed.
Signatories also have the capacity of delegating this task but this can be revoked if need be.
How to manage permissions
From the main dashboard, click on your name at the top left. From there, click on "Users".
There, you'll see all the authorised contacts on the account, where you'll be able to see each of their online status (active, pending to set a password...).
Go to the user you want to manage, and click on "Manage permissions".
Spot - Book Spot FX trades
Manage payments - Create and cancel payments, and permission to add payments to existing trades
Multipayment - Permission to upload files with multiple payments
Same currency payments - Ability to send a payment using an FX Trade
Drawdown - Permission to drawdown from forward trades
Get Paid - Create Get Paid requests
Fixed forward - similar to Spot but with a further away value date
Independent Payments - Ability to send payments from balance via the "Pay" function
If no permissions are selected, this will give the contact a view-only profile with visibility to Dashboard, Trades, Payments, Beneficiaries.
Account Management
Manage online access - Gives the ability for activating or deactivating other users' online access
Manage beneficiaries - Allows to create, edit and delete beneficiaries
Manage permissions - Allows that contact to manage other users' permissions
Manage third parties - Create third parties for Get Paid
Payment Authorisation
In order to manage who can approve payments and at what stage, check our article on "How to set up a Payment Approval system?".
For further assistance feel free to contact Ebury support directly via live chat or at the below email addresses:
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