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Ebury for Xero

How to sync your Ebury account with Xero and automate transaction entry in seconds.

Written by Jigna Shah
Updated today

If you use Xero, an accounting software, syncing data from your existing account can often be time-consuming. Each time you initiate or receive a payment, or make a trade, you need to manually update Xero to ensure these transactions are up-to-date. This means more risk of human error and endless minutes spent on inputting data. Enter Ebury connectivity with Xero.

Our robust technological infrastructure allows us to partner with Codat, a trusted business data API provider, allowing you to sync your Ebury data with Xero hassle-free. This helps you automate what used to be routine, manual tasks, save time inputting transaction data and minimise time spent reconciling invoices – helping you take control of your cash flows within Xero.

Who is it for

This solution is perfect for businesses who want to manage account receivables, while minimising manual efforts and saving time.

Benefits for your business

Wave goodbye to time-consuming manual processes and achieve more operational efficiency. The connection, once set up, will automatically push your Ebury transactions into Xero on a daily basis.

Save time

You don’t have to manually enter transactions into Xero for reconciliation purposes.

Reduce errors

You don't have to worry about data entry-related errors or spend time on manually inputting and reconciling transaction Ebury data into Xero.

Stay up to date

You always get to work with up-to-date, accurate financial records across multiple currencies.

Scale faster

You can minimise your team’s workload so they can focus more on strategic tasks.

How to set up this integration

Here's a simple 5-step process for syncing your Ebury data into Xero. It's easy, quick, and smooth.

Step 1: Log into Ebury Online. On the left-hand side of the Dashboard, click on the contact’s name.

Step 2: Find the section titled “Connections”. This is where you can set up the connection to Xero.

Step 3: You will find a description of what the connectivity does. Click on the “Set up" button to get started.

Step 4: A drop down will appear with the relevant list of softwares to connect to. Click on “Xero” from the drop down list.

Step 5: Click on “Connect to the platform”. A new browser tab will open. If you have a pop-up blocker on the browser, then the new page won’t open. Unblock the page from the pop-up blocker in order to continue.

Step 6: On the Xero authentication page, you might be asked for Xero credentials, if it is not already stored in the browser cache. Once the authentication is completed successfully, if you have multiple organisations on the Xero side, you will be asked to select one of them. Pick the relevant organisation; you will see the page to provide your explicit consent for Ebury to push bank feeds to Xero. Click on the “Allow Access” button.

Step 7: On the accounts mapping page, select the necessary Ebury account and map it to a Xero bank account account. If you don't have an Ebury account in Xero yet, select "Create account" and the system will create one on-the-fly. Ebury will push data to the mapped bank account in Xero. Select a 'Feed Start Date'. This will tell Ebury the date you want to sync the transactions. We can go up to one year in the past.

Step 8: Navigate to the top until you see the “Continue” button. It will forward you to a page that clearly instructs you to close the window since the one-time process is completed.


  • All the synced transactions are known as bank feeds in Xero.

  • Please use the same ‘Accountancy’ tab in Ebury Online to also unlink certain bank accounts or disconnect the Bank Feeds.

Getting started

Existing Ebury clients can go through the above procedure and set up the Bank feeds to Xero.

If you have yet to become our client, feel free to contact our team.

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